"Employers must comply with the Equality Act 2010 and ensure that workers are aware of what this means in their practice and how they support vulnerable people. Workers should also have the confidence to challenge unfair or discriminatory practices."
Equality and Diversity
course duration:
Half day (3 hours)Course outline:
This course is aimed at anyone (at any level) working in a care setting and is designed to help candidates learn and understand the meaning and importance of equality and diversity.
The course addresses how prejudice and discrimination can affect the individual’s they support and the rights and responsibilities of both the employer and the individual. A range of examples of typical situations that could undermine dignity, respect and fairness are covered, as well as the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010, so that candidates can learn how to challenge and reduce discrimination in the workplace.
Course Details
Equality and Diversity
What this course covers:
- The meanings and definitions of equality, inclusion and diversity
- The importance of respecting diversity and treating everyone equally
- An understanding of how discrimination may occur in your work setting
- How to provide inclusive support, provide good practice and reduce discrimination, and how to work towards demonstrating courage in supporting people in ways that may challenge their personal/cultural beliefs
- How to access relevant information and the key legislation regarding equality, diversity, discrimination and rights
Benefits of Attending
- Increases knowledge of the meanings of equality, diversity, prejudice and discrimination, with useful examples of how to identify associated issues occurring in the workplace
- Helps attendees understand the importance of equality and diversity and how to provide inclusive support
- Increased awareness of key legislation in relation to equality, diversity, discrimination and rights
- Know how to access relevant information to reduce discrimination and how to report concerns to challenge discriminatory behaviour
- High-quality learner support materials that will be yours to keep and use as a reference/evidence of learning
Upon completion of the full day course, attendees will receive a certificate of attendance
Minimum recommended refresher frequency
at least every 3 years*
*as suggested in the Skills for Care ongoing learning and development in adult social care guide - page 22