Diabetes Awareness
Course Duration:
Half day or full day
Course Outline:
Diabetes is a life-altering condition that is affecting more and more people. It can cause many debilitating conditions and so it is vital that people have the knowledge to understand what causes diabetes and the ways in which to manage it appropriately.Whether attendees are currently supporting someone who already has diabetes or not, this training programme will equip you to deal with common issues that affect people with diabetes and also give you the knowledge and skills to be proactive in reducing the risks of developing type 2 diabetes.
Benefits Of Attending
Increases your overall knowledge of diabetes
Helps you to identify risk factors in developing diabetes type 2 and enables you to be more proactive in reducing these risks and possible complications
Gives practical guidance on monitoring blood glucose levels and their significance
Able to describe the role diet plays in controlling diabetes
Receive tips on diabetes management for yourself or others
What this course covers:
What diabetes is
Types of diabetes including Type 1 and Type 2
Treatments for diabetes
Food and diabetes (including weight management)
Monitoring and impact of diabetes
Who should attend?
Anyone who wants to learn more about diabetes and its affects and who wants an awareness of effective management of the condition. You may have diabetes yourself, have friends/family with the condition or are a care worker with clients who have diabetes. As an awareness course it isn't specific to one person or sector.
Upon completion of the course, you will receive certification of attendance.
“Excellent course. I’ve got diabetes and I’ve learnt a lot today from this course. Very relaxed day. ”
“Found the day very informative and easily understood. I now feel I know enough about diabetes to carry out my job and for my own personal knowledge”
“The course has been a useful tool to help me in my job role and give me a greater understanding of diabetes ”
How to Contact us
1. Call 0114 2472772or
2. Complete the Enquiry Form below: