Care Certificate 1 day update for experienced workers
Course duration:
Full day (6 hours)
Course Outline:
This 1 day Care Certificate Update course is ideal for any staff who are experienced in care but did their induction before the Care Certificate came into place in April 2015.
The course aims to bring the delegates knowledge up to date and make them aware of any changes brought into the Care Certificate, i.e. changes since the Care Act 2014 and the new types of abuse in Safeguarding Adults. Workers will be brought up to date with the latest information to build upon previous knowledge and experience so the course is also a great refresher opportunity.
For any experienced staff that are new to your organisation, the course can support your responsibility as an employer to ensure that your staff members have the up to date knowledge required to work in the sector.
The day will consist of tutor input, classroom discussion and group activities.
What will it cover?
Knowledge within the following Care Certificate standards:
Understand your Role
Equality and Diversity
Work in a Person-Centred Way
Privacy and Dignity
Fluids and Nutrition
Safeguarding Adults
Experienced Worker Questionnaire
We can also offer the ‘Experienced Worker Questionnaire’ as an additional resource to test and understand your staff members current knowledge of the sector. The questionnaire quizzes their knowledge on information in the 15 standards of the Care Certificate, is marked by us when returned to the office and a report is then generated to show the employer any gaps in knowledge or where the staff member has additional training needs.
At only £30 this is already working as a great induction tool that saves the employer time and money by finding out exactly what training a new staff member may need. Again it also ensures the employer is meeting their responsibility to check their staff members have the up to date knowledge needed to work in the sector.
Who should attend this course?
Workers joining a health or adult social care organisation with past training or sector experience. This may include the following roles in Adult Social Care: Care Assistant / Care Worker / Homecare Worker / Care Support Workers/ Domiciliary Care Staff / Day Service Staff
Attendees may already hold qualifications such as: NVQ or Diplomas at Levels 2 or 3 and may have achieved one of the previous requirements of induction or Common Induction Standard.
Staff who have attended the 3 day Care Certificate course may also wish to refresh their knowledge by attending this 1 day update.
“Very interesting, I found the trainer explained the standards well and how to achieve them”
“Very good course, would highly recommend. The tutor made me feel very welcome and encouraged my learning at all times”
How to Contact us
1. Call 0114 2472772
2. Complete the Enquiry Form below: